Customized Services in Support of... |
Organizational Effectiveness: |
Strategic Planning & Counsel |
Facilitate strategic planning efforts with internal and external stakeholders
Collaboratively develop vision, mission and values statements
Create dashboard reporting mechanism to ensure strategic plan remains front-and-center
Create operational performance plans: goals, strategies, measures & milestones
Program Evaluation and Enhancement
- Evaluate and monitor program effectiveness
- Identify weaknesses and recommend plans to enhance or “sunset” programs
- Perform benchmarking exercises of peer and aspirant organizations to identify best practices
- Formulate action plans
Human Resource Assessment & Staff Development
Evaluate organizational structure; recommend changes to resource allocation
Analyze job descriptions; create competency-based job descriptions
Develop performance management plans
- Attract and hire development professionals
Board Development
- Evaluate structure, composition, and roles & responsibilities of existing board
- Conduct broad assessment to evaluate collective impression of board effectiveness
- Recommend strategies to increase board success
- Conduct board development training sessions
- Serve as liaison between leadership and Board members to ensure accountability between meetings
Development Effectiveness: |
Fundraising Assessment & Capacity Building
- Targeted development analysis; review and determine strengths, challenges and areas of opportunity to determine the most efficient means to grow or improve development operation
- Create and/or grow development constituency programs including major/leadership gifts, annual giving and planned giving, and corporate and foundation programs
- Evaluate and/or develop accountability guidelines and stewardship programs to assure long term relationships
- Identify (and recommend strategies) to engage internal and external stakeholders
Donor and Database Analysis
- Assess computer software to record, maintain, and strengthen the donor database
- Develop reporting mechanisms to support communication with leadership and volunteer groups
- Prepare trend analyses; analyze and categorize donor contributions